
While enjoying some time in the backyard yesterday, I glanced up and saw a rainbow around the sun. What a sight. Along with the dash inside to grab my camera I quickly contacted a friend who lives less than three tenths of a mile from me, as the crow flies, with instructions to run outside and see our rainbow around the sun. I have fondly since named it a sun-bow.

What you see are the photos I took. Of course the bright sun burned out the vivid colors in the camera but you get the idea. It was kind of an other-worldly experience and the photo that shows my roof line makes it look like a huge UFO about to land on the house. Oddly reminiscent of Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

My friend wasn't privy to the same phenomenon... strange. Cue the Twilight Zone music. All in all it was quite a unique treat I got to enjoy for close to an hour before it dissipated.

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