
This heron (or one who looks exactly like this one) I often see in the mornings very close to this location on the beach. Today it was still almost hard dark when I first passed by and his head was tucked under his wing, sound asleep. Not a feather fluttered as I passed. On my return though, the sun was making its ascent as was the head of this wonderful great heron. As is my wont I have named him. I call him Leonard.

Here's the story behind the name. Several years ago I worked with a fellow named Leonard who was very nice to me, helped me out during our hurricanes of 2004, and in turn I helped him with some computer projects, with his taxes, etc. After we both left that place of employment we lost touch and I hadn't seen or talked to Leonard in more than a year when I found out that he had died... at the age of 57. The morning after I heard the news I was walking on the beach thinking about Leonard and aloud I said, "Oh Leonard, I didn't know... I'm so sorry." At exactly that moment this great heron took off, flew what seemed like inches above my head with a very loud GWAAAK, GWAAAK! Scared me to pieces until I decided it was just Leonard saying..."that's okay, don't worry about it."

Now every morning that I see him I say "Good morning, Leonard."

Leftovers... yum!

What a surprise I got when looking out my back window this afternoon. There was a box turtle eating cat food out of the bowl. He was up of his back legs, front legs on the edge of the bowl and he was eating leftover cat food!

I grabbed my camera and ran out the back door to share the event with you. By the time I got there the turtle was munching away right beside the cat food bowl. His mouth looks funny in the picture because he was chewing a bit of kitty kibble. That was about the cutest thing I've seen in a long time.

It's lucky that today I over fed the neighborhood stray kitty who comes to my back door every morning, lucky there were enough leftovers for a cute little box turtle to enjoy. I usually put out fresh greens for the turtle, who seems to like mustard greens better than spinach, but I never knew he liked cat food.

Guess you can learn something new every day if you just pay attention.

Young artists continue

Just when I least expected to find it, a wonderful sandcastle, or should I say medieval compound, appeared on the beach. The young minds and hands that create these sculptures just fascinate me. The intricate details on this one were smile producing for sure.

I love the little bridge crossing the moat to enter the compound.

The garden set out in rows was an agricultural delight.

The "parade ground" with flag pole and nearby "swimming pool" was any castle dweller's dream.

Young minds at work... it's a wonderful thing. The work being done above the high tide line is even better.

Names and labels...

The different cloud formations this morning were intriguing and to be honest, a bit daunting. It's also a little intimidating in that, as much as I appreciate looking at clouds, I don't know as much about them as I should. Am I gonna learn more? Maybe, but for now...

Just enjoy this scene and the solid bank of clouds positioned in a straight line from right at the horizon to about 200 feet in height and it was unmoving. In the hour I was at the beach it never wavered. Above that were lavender stratus (I think) clouds with some interesting swirls and formations and higher still, highlighted against the blue, were wisps of cirrus clouds.

So, now that there are labels for everything, just forget what they are called and enjoy the scenery as much as I did. It was a beautiful start to the day.


The golden quality of this morning was intriguing, especially with the shrimp boat positioned in the rays of the sun. Don't know what more I can add.


With the date of October 10, 2010 (10.10.10) the sunrise just had to be special. It was! Even as it slowly progressed it just got better.
The rest of the day was pretty special too, numbers notwithstanding.


Instead of going to the beach at dawn when it was chilly and high tide, I decided to go in the afternoon and what a show I was treated to.

There is an air show in town this weekend and I didn't know that the planes: jets, WWI and WWII aircraft practiced their maneuvers and flying formations before the event. It was like a free ticket to the show.
The picture above is one of many I took of the jets of the Canadian Snowbirds. Those guys were so fast I missed each and every one. Just a tiny little puff of contrail in the bottom right corner is the only evidence that they were really there.
The flying formation of single engine WWII vintage aircraft was slow enough and close enough for me capture and share with you. It was a very exciting afternoon!

Different day...

What a difference 24 hours can make. One day beautiful, not a cloud in the sky. The next, heavy clouds, strong winds and down right chilly. It did, however, give us the opportunity for a spectacular mix of sun and clouds at dawn.
My regular camera had dead batteries so this is from my cell phone. Not great quality but the subject matter alone made it pretty spectacular. I sort of like the unexpected lens flares in this second shot. Enjoy!

Monday, Monday

What a day! How wonderful to be retired and not have to start a work week on that dreaded Monday.

Being a golf fanatic, I arose early to watch the final round of the Ryder Cup golf tournament from Wales. The USA team didn't win but beyond all odds they made a great showing and the thrills came hard, fast and often. I was cheering, fist pumping and having a great time. The tournament was over about 11 a.m. and then I thought — now what?

Since I missed my morning beach walk because of the golf, I decided to make a picnic, take my book and beach chair and head to the beach. Instead of my power walk with walking shoes, shorts and t-shirt, I was in my bathing suit and enjoyed a leisurely stroll barefoot at water's edge. I took in the clear blue sky and a hunting osprey.(See above.) The waves were wonderful and rolling, the sights, sounds and smells were all just delicious. It is only about 75ยบ and a nice breeze... well just perfect. I haven't enjoyed myself so much in a long, long time. I was happy, relaxed and not a care in the world. Wish I could bottle it. I can of course share the song that whisked through my head and out my lips.

Strange dancers

The clouds remind me of some strange dancers performing a modern jazz presentation upon the stage of the sea. Their costumes are soft gray veils and lavender tunics.

Once again the fall phenomenon of towering clouds along the horizon invokes strange images. That's my interpretation, what's yours?