Vacation fun

Sometimes it's easy to spot the out-of-towners. Like those in the ocean on this chilly day. It was beautifully sunny but I was bundled up in coat and hat and still not what I'd call warm. These intrepid folk were either brave, foolish or just plain determined to hit the waves no matter what just so they could say they went in the ocean on December 27th. Good for them. I'll just watch, thank you.

Someone was also feeding leftover bread to the gulls, which always calls for a riot of noise and flapping wings. Too reminiscent of the old Hitchcock movie The Birds to make me feel comfortable though the bread thrower was enjoying the attention and having a great time.

Hurrah for vacations where you get to do things the natives would rarely do. Hurrah for us natives who will enjoy the beach and the bright sunshine long after you've gone.

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