Lens smudge

If you were wondering if there was something wrong with my camera, let me assure the camera is just fine... the fog however was really making its presence known. This photo was taken about 10:30 a.m. long after the fog should have burned off. What is missing in the photo is the 17-story building which stands at the edge of the beach. It appears to be gone, just gone.

Enjoying the misty hues set off many foggy memories of living on the coast of Maine. There were times when you literally couldn't see the hand in front of your face. Driving up our long driveway at night was often done at the pace of a walk. The best memory is one that no one in my group of friends will ever forget. One evening we rented a lobster boat to take us for a picnic on some islands not far offshore. Before we could get back the fog rolled in, we got lost, the ship-to-shore radios went out and a rowdy bunch of teenagers with plenty of beer to drink spent the night wandering around the ocean with no idea of where we were. There were plenty of worried parents ashore, I'm sure but I remember it as being one of the BEST parties of my youth.

Here 40+ years later a little Florida fog can conjure up some pretty powerful old memories and how nice that a long walk on the beach lets me relive each and every one.

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