Canaveral finale

Finishing up our day at Canaveral we went to a house that was built in the early 1920s and is the only remaining structure of what was then the Eldora community. It was pouring rain again thus I have no photos to show you of this lovely old home that has been restored by the National Parks Service. It wasn't supposed to be open but to our delight one of the Park Service Rangers was there getting ready for their open house so she invited us to come in out of the rain. We cheerfully accepted. If you are ever in the area this is an interesting visit on the edge of the Mosquito Lagoon and provides a look at what it must have been like at the turn of the century without the creature comforts we so easily take for granted. The top photo was of a pond behind the house followed by a shot of the clouds skirting the Mosquito Lagoon.

Our last stop was at the end of the park with a lovely look at the lagoon, the ocean and miles and miles of pristine shoreline. There was a large group of vultures (buzzards) nearby and one of my friends said..."go away, we're not ready yet!" We all had to laugh. The last photo is one of the vultures waiting for a boater to bring him his lunch. Wonder if he can read or if he's just going to park there anyway.

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