Rosy spectacle

After several days in a row of gray clouds and rain or drizzle, it was such a welcome sight to see this spectacular rosy dawn. Cold though it was (well, for Florida at 50ยบ) it was so exhilarating to be touched by the sun that I didn't mind the chill one bit.

The pleasure at seeing the sun again also reawakened my awareness of how important sunshine is in my life, both literally and figuratively. I suppose on those days with no sun, I'll have to work harder to bring small bits of joy into my life in other forms.

Um-m-m-m, well that's what this blog started out being... a grateful log, acknowledging the little things in life that I'm grateful for. Guess I've come full circle with that thought and I'll have to get back to basics. Thank you sun for this gentle reminder.

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