Space shuttle

It never ceases to thrill me when the shuttle launches. The one on Sunday, March 15 was particularly spectacular since it was a sunset launch. It was getting close to dark at ground level on the east coast but when the shuttle got high enough the setting sun reflected off the contrail and the shuttle itself. I have never so clearly seen the solid rocket boosters drop away and the sun shining on the shuttle kept it in view for a long time. Simply spectacular! Photos don't do it justice but here's what I've got. The first one is while the rockets are still propelling it forward, the second one is long after the shuttle was out of sight and the contrail started to break apart, though the colors were still amazing. The shuttle looked like a star shining in the sky for several minutes, the camera couldn't see it but my neighbors and I certainly could and we all knew that this launch was truly unforgettable.

How lucky I am to be able to step out my front door and enjoy all this!

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