35-year blooms

Two of my prized possessions are my jade plants. I've had them for more than 35 years and they were single cuttings from my godparent's plant which was probably 50 years old at the time. These lovely plants occupy an important part of my heart and have really grown and thrived since I moved to Florida.

They both used to live on my front porch but during a freeze this winter I moved the larger of the two inside to my Florida room where it remains. Both are over three feet high and between four and five feet wide. (I had to remove a chair to put one in the Florida room.)

So, imagine my surprise a couple of weeks ago when my front porch jade began to display some tiny little flowers. Thirty five years I've loved this plant even without a bloom, this year this profusion of joyful little flowers has me just so pleased I can hardly stand it and I proudly show it off to all who will pause to look.

Of course, I just have to share my proud new-parent feeling with you. Um-m-m-m-m, wonder if I'll have to wait another 35 years to have more?

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