Beach perfection and eagles too

The weather is perfect... not too hot, not too cold and a gentle breeze from the east thrown in for good measure all added up to a flawless day at the beach. It is spring break for our local schools and also enjoying the sunshine were lots of young folk playing volleyball, surfing, tossing a ball or just toasting themselves and enjoying freedom with their friends. I happily reveled in every minute of it.

Another thing I am enjoying is the Eagle Cam at Norfolk (VA) Botanical Gardens. For those of you haven't found it yet I highly recommend this webcam. Here's a screen shot I took today after Dad brought a fish and Mom started feeding the eaglet:
Two bald eagles have built a nest where the female laid 3 eggs back in February. The first egg hatched on March 13 and I have been mesmerized watching the loving care these great creatures are providing for their little bobble-headed eaglet as well as the two eggs expected to hatch any day now. For viewing pleasure and an eagle education, check it out:


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