A two turtle day

During my walk this morning I was thinking that it won't be long before the giant sea turtles come ashore to lay their eggs. That is an exciting time but one fraught with hazards for the turtles, especially the man-made hazards when people dig huge holes in the sand and don't fill them in before leaving the beach. These holes are death traps for the huge sea turtles, so it helps turtles, the turtle patrol and gives me extra exercise when I try to fill the holes along my route. With these thoughts running around my brain, I came across my first turtle of the day. Nicely sculptured in the sand this almost life-sized rendition of what is to come fit nicely into my musings. It was almost as if I had conjured it up.
Later I was enjoying lunch in my back yard when I noticed a cute little box turtle in the leaves, probably covered up by my yardman earlier in the day. I gently placed him on the step and went inside to find lunch for him too. Like my salad, he got French romaine, spinach and the wonderful new lettuce variety I found called salad bowl. I left him eating in private and when I checked later he had eaten the spinach and the romaine... the salad bowl lettuce was snubbed and still on the step. Little turtle was long gone. But I got to enjoy a two-turtle day, land and sand varieties, how grand is that!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your lucky to still encounter box turtles, as wild populations are in decline nation wide.