Oh no, snow and icicles!

Oh yes, it has been cold. Not only have most Americans been suffering thought days and days of sleet and snow, but it has even hit Central Florida. The last time I saw snow here was in 1989. The flurries then were light, short-lived and didn't stick. Today I noticed it as I left for the gym (much too cold and windy to walk on the beach) and when one of the gym patrons came in with his truck covered, I just had to make a tiny snowman (about 3 inches tall) and take the first photo above. The second photo was disappointing in that the icicles are out of focus, but the thoughts of icicles hanging from the tips of palm fronds is intriguing.

The long-lasting cold snap is uncomfortable for us humans but has been devastating to our tropical foliage, reptiles, turtles, fish and birds that cannot tolerate unrelenting cold. There are iguanas dropping out of trees too cold to move or too cold to keep their hearts beating. Hundreds of sea turtles (especially the endangered green turtles) are being rescued after floating to the top of the frigid water unable to move and breathe. There are dead fish all over the shoreline and pelicans are dying from not being able to eat the fresh fish they usually catch.

Someone mentioned that Mother Nature has a reason for culling but that's a tough cookie to swallow. There may be a greater plan but it's tough to see it when so much is awry. The weather folk are calling for back-to-normal temperatures by the end of the week which means highs in the 70s with lows in the 50s. To say everyone I know is looking forward to that is an understatement of immense proportions.

My heart-felt sympathies go out to all those who are dealing with ice, snow and negative temperatures. This is no fun.

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