Oh frabjous day!

What a day! It is a warm 76º, mostly sunny and just a joyous change from the past two weeks. It is what I call a wide-open-window day, and that's just what my windows are... wide open and filling my house with warm, fresh air.

Of course I headed to the beach even though we were experiencing 25 mph winds gusting to 35. They were from the West so heading to the beach was almost effortless on my bike. (Coming home was a different story entirely.) What I found on the beach was stunning. Our westerly winds are rarely this strong and I had never seen the waves responding like they were. The wind was picking up the crest of the waves and blowing it back and away from the curl. Almost looked like the waves were wearing bridal veils. Long and flowing, white and lacy bridal veils streaming back out to sea. It was quite a sight and one that I wasn't able to adequately capture on my little beach camera. Hopefully you can get an inkling from the photos above.

The only down side of going to the beach on a windy day was chasing my cap! After the second time I rolled it up and stuffed it in my pocket. 'Twas a frabjous day indeed, I chortled in my joy!

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