
Most of the country, including Florida, has been living with some extremely cold temperatures lately. I personally have been complaining about it, even a phone call from a friend in North Carolina telling me temperatures there have been in the teens didn't help too much but talking with friends is always a pleasure. A great way to warm the heart if not the fingers and toes.

Today I decided to be grateful that I have heat and a grateful that it will at least be 46ยบ later today. My largest jade plant, still out on the front porch, seems to be doing okay and I still have a down parka in the closet... haven't worn it since I moved to Florida, but it still fit and is deliciously warm. Nose, toes and fingers however just complain about walking on the beach in this cold so I decided to look back on warmer times and share a lovely picture of a hot summer sunrise as a reminder that this too shall pass.

For all my northern friends who are buried under a ton of snow, forgive my carping about temps in the mid-20s. Maybe this photo of a summer sunrise will warm you too and give you hope for warmer things to come.

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