Kites and dolphins

Oh, what a sight... some kite boarders were out today. Four of them all jammed in close together and flying over the waves. What made it all the more exciting was when one of the young onlookers said "look Mom, dolphins!" Yes, just beyond the boarders was a pod of dolphins. I do wish my camera had been able to pick them up so I could share this glorious encounter with you.

It looked to me as if the dolphins were having fun right along with the kite boarders. They stayed in the area for quite a while and could be seen jumping out of the water (called breaching, just like whales) or just cresting along the edge of a wave, but all very close to the boarders. They were either playing with them or just plain curious. It was quite exhilirating for me standing on the beach, I can only imagine the thrill the kite boarders were experiencing... or the dolphins for that matter.

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