Hello, Beach!

How do you hug a beach? That's just what I wanted to do today... my first visit to the beach in two weeks! Above is what appears to be a unremarkable photo of the ocean, sand and sky. The ordinary is anything but especially after our cold temperatures of late have kept me away. What an eye opener to realize that this ordinary looking beach is truly extraordinary and it is truly a privilege to be able to visit it, walk on it, dabble my toes, get sand in my shoes, and all that other stuff that goes with living close to the shore. Thank you for the reminder of how lucky I really am.

Our cold temperatures also gave me some other new experiences. Walking on a treadmill. Boring, boring, boring. I even tried walking in the local mall. Expensive. I took my purse the first time, too many marketing ploys and temptations for that to be safe. The second time I left my purse in the car, safer but still there was no sunshine, no birds, no sound of rolling waves and no delicious ocean smell. Lots of food smells, coffee, perfumes and other aromas but no ocean.

I may have disliked the cold weather we had for the past two weeks but I certainly learned to appreciate my beach. I'll give it lots and lots of big mental hugs and enjoy my walks even more, if that's possible.

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