Horseshoe crab memories

There were two horseshoe crabs on the beach this morning, one right side up, the other upside down (why don't we say right side down or upside up?) That's a question for another day, but today these two crabs brought back summer memories from when I was 12 years old. Those memories flooded back like a tidal wave.

I don't think I have seen a horseshoe crab since that summer, but I had nightmares then about these army tanks of the sea. I was at a sailing camp on the north shore of Cape Cod, there was swimming, sailing, clamming and horseshoe crabs everywhere. They were always bumping your feet when you were standing in the water. You had to be careful when you stepped off a dock or a boat so that you wouldn't step on one and have its barbed tail rake your foot. I was terrified and have never really gotten over it. Though I learned later that they are basically harmless the thoughts generated in childhood are tough to dislodge.

This viewing, however, and the intervening 50+ years found me more fascinated than fearful... plus they were very dead. They were about 20 inches long overall. The fascinating part came from the upside down one, the intricacies of its mouth, gills, and other parts I can't identify was amazing for a creature that looks so prehistoric. I've included a close up to share with you. Nothing I found on the Internet helps me explain some of its parts, but fascinating nonetheless.

With a shiver at old memories, I continued on my way happy that I didn't encounter these guys while wading in the waves.

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