Colorful treats

With the first of May comes turtle season and I went to the beach this morning with hopes of seeing the first-of-the-season turtle offerings. Fortunately there were none since I forgot to take my camera. I don't know what I expected. Maybe the turtles were lined up just off shore and were waiting for calendar to change before coming inland to make their nests. Or, waiting for the starter to blow the whistle so they could begin? Say what?

With no beach photos to tempt you, I'll share some of Mother Nature's other wonders taken at my friend Edward's bird feeder. He has managed to hang a feeder that is squirrel proof and attracts birds the likes of which I have never seen. I must say that I am always amazed at the array of colors that Mother Nature uses to dress her creatures. The Rose-Breasted Grosbeak and the Painted Bunting in the photos above are simply dazzling! It seems there is a never-ending parade of interesting species adorning Edward's feeder. Great visual pleasure, for sure.

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