Sunshine, lollipops and...

SUNSHINE! What a joy to open my drapes on Sunday morning and be flooded with sunshine! After 6 days of rain it was such a welcome sight. Immediately a song sprung (or is it sprang?) to my lips. Whatever... there it was and there it stayed. That was three days ago and unfortunately it is still running through my mind and out my mouth. I have tried to share it with friends hoping they would take it away from me. Didn't work! I have listened to many other songs in hopes of ridding my brain of this tune. Nothing helps. Now I'm going to share it with you. 

If you remember Leslie Gore, you may remember her song Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows. If you don't recall it check out the link to the YouTube video below. Hopefully you won't be singing it for three days, but maybe you can take it away from me. A happy song for sure, but it does get tiring.

What isn't tiring is being able to walk on the beach again and enjoy a sunrise like the one I captured this morning in the photo. It was glorious... enough to make me want to sing!

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