Rain, rain go away...

So far we've had six days of rain and according to the TV weather folks it isn't over yet! More than 20 inches of water has poured from the sky in the past 6 days and it has no place to go. My backyard pond is now a lake almost knee deep. However, I am so fortunate—many, many people in this area are experiencing impassable water-covered streets not to mention flooded garages, houses, businesses and even whole city blocks are under a foot or more of standing water. People are saying that they have never experienced so much water even with our hurricanes and tropical storms. I know that in my eleven years here, my backyard has never had a lake or even a large puddle for that matter. My neighbor who has been here more than 30 years concurs. Luckily my house is high and dry.

If you know where to look there are some delightful sights. The nearby church parking lot is now a huge lake and apparently someone even thought of canoeing to church. I loved seeing the variety of birds that had found haven on a high spot in the middle of the golf course.  And when people say this is lovely weather for ducks... the local ducks are having a wonderful time with so much water to swim and feed in. 

Finding a smile is easy enough but I really do wish it would all end so that I could get back to my normal routine, gather in some sunshine and once again partake of my wonderful and therapeutic beach walks. Maybe Monday!

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