Renewed passion

In a previous post I mentioned Nike's slogan and said that we should all "... just do it." Pondering that I realized I was spewing advice and not heeding my own words. So instead of finding excuses for not taking up the game of golf again, I went out and just did it! Ha! I'm having a blast.

What a surprise to find out that what I learned as a teenager and young adult playing the game had not entirely disappeared. This old body isn't as flexible as it was but the basics of my swing are still there, kind of like riding a bicycle I suppose. I have now spent several hours on the driving range and putting green and I feel that I'm ready to go out there and play a round without embarrassing myself. I'll let you know how it goes.

Not only is it fun, a way to enjoy the great outdoors but I'm feeling a great sense of accomplishment. So again I highly recommend that if there is something you want to do... just do it!

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