Quick as a... crab?

We used to say quick as a rabbit, or quick as a wink. Well, whoever first said those idioms apparently had never witnessed a sand crab on the beach. There has been an abundance of them lately and I've been fascinated with how fast they can run, and they run sideways at that! Amazing. Trying to capture one with a digital camera is quite a challenge and people on the beach have been giving me sideways glances as I remain poised and very still over a crab hole... usually with no luck. They dig diagonal holes in the sand and seem to have earth moving equipment second to none! The photo above of a crab hole and the sand deposited around the entrance is just one of hundreds I see during my walk each day.

Though there's plenty of evidence of these cute critters which measure only about 2 to 3 inches, I rarely see the crab itself. Usually just a quick flicker as it is speeding lickity split across the sand. Lucky for me I captured one little guy (probably because its back was to me) before it could move like greased lightning down the beach or back into its home.

So with all those phrases that mean quick... as a speeding bullet, as a flash, at a good clip, in the fast lane etc., I wonder why no one every says quick as a crab?
I kind of like it.

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