Maybe rain

It was threatening rain this morning as I headed to the beach, but what a sight I captured above with the sun just sneaking out below the clouds. 

Although it was dead on high tide, I had a glimmer of hope that conditions wouldn't be too bad for walking. They were. Unfortunately my formerly broken right foot — which didn't heal correctly due to a misdiagnosis — gives me some pain when I walk on the soft sand. Doesn't do a lot for my hips and legs either... all in all soft sand takes a lot of work. So I ended up with a nice bike ride and managed to get home just as it started spitting rain.

It reminded me that early yesterday when I saw my neighbor at the beach, he said what a nice day it was. I told him that at my age, any day that you can get out of bed is a nice day. He laughed... I was serious. So today is indeed a nice day and I missed getting rained on.

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