Gnarly dude!

During my nature walk I came upon a tree that surely defined the word gnarly. Well, gnarly as us old folk know it, meaning knotty as pertaining to a tree with knotty protuberances; bent, twisted, distorted. Apparently back in the '70s surfer dudes started referring to waves as gnarly and in slang parlance gnarly has come to mean something that is extreme... whether good or bad. 

Well, this tree certainly is extreme... extremely gnarly. I took a photo of it and realized that the photo doesn't in any way capture the size of this big ol' gnarly dude, so I took off my cap reached above my head and plunked the cap on one of the gnarls (knots) on the left side of the trunk. The cap is about 6 feet off the ground to give you size reference. I smiled as I retrieved my headgear and walked away from a truly gnarly dude standing in the forest!

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