Remembering Dad

Here it is Father's Day and I'm fondly remembering my dad who has been gone for 19 years. Seems like just yesterday at times. My dad was my favorite person, ever. He taught me how to tie my shoelaces, how to ride a bike, how to drive, how to hunt and fish and play golf. He used to let me follow him around at work and I had better keep up. I always did. He was always cheerful, I never saw him grumpy. He got upset with me when I did something wrong or broke the rules but he was never angry, just disappointed in me. I've posted this photo of him during his service in WWII, my how handsome.

And this photo of him sitting on the blanket with baby me. I'm looking up to him as usual, and talking with my hands... as usual.

Happy Father's Day, Daddy. I still miss you, guess I always will.

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