Different time, different beach

Going to the beach at midday was like going to a different beach. With Florida's summer and humidity, it is imperative to be outside before the sun gets too high and before temperatures rise to the 90s and above. Having spent the past several months being sure to get to the beach before dawn, I found quite a difference in the beach at noon. Very few people, very little humidity, strong breezes and stunning surf. It was like being somewhere new.

Not only was it refreshing with our latest taste of fall, the winds out of the East made perfect conditions for kite boarders. The ocean temperatures were still warm and the kite boarders were in heaven. I even talked to a couple of them about the thrill of flying over the surf at breakneck speeds and being lifted up to 20 feet in the air before settling back to the surf. Oh to be young and strong. Guess I'll have to get my thrills vicariously but that's okay, I enjoyed watching them and enjoyed a new beach feeling.

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