Sensory overload

What a sunrise... big dark clouds, pink streaks, a caldron of fire at the surface of the sea. It was intense to say the least.

Then I was confronted with the dawn launch of a Delta 2 rocket from Cape Canaveral. I had forgotten all about it, but it was hard to miss! This launch was the last of the Delta 2 rockets and it was sending up a military global positioning satellite — the last of the GPS 2R satellites. Fascinating to watch it appear and then disappear between the clouds. The brilliant white contrail was a startling sight.

You think that was the last of the morning's stimulation? Think again. Not long after the rocket, I came upon a new loggerhead nest. I was struck with the anachronism of a rocket over the beach where the ancient ritual of a nesting turtle continued on. What is more amazing is that the turtle was born on this beach and returns here to nest and she didn't need any fancy GPS to get here. Um-m-m-m.

What a day... I was overloaded with amazing things all before 7 a.m.

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