Wild weather

The question I had was whether I should title this post as I did or maybe a better choice would have been oblivious. As often happens during our summers here in Florida we have afternoon thunderstorms. I was inside reading, the sun was shining and in the distance I could hear thunder. No big deal. When I turned on the TV for the six o'clock news I found we were under a tornado warning. There was live video of water spouts just along the beach plus there were severe thunderstorms, damaging winds and hail. Oblivious fits the bill... I had no idea of the drama all around me.

Posted are some amazing photos that I can't claim to have taken myself. I got them from our local news station's website. Some other people in the area were apparently very aware of the wild weather and documented it in these incredible photos. The top shot with waterspout and simultaneous rainbow was taken from the approach I use to get to the beach every day. It is only two blocks from my house. How could I have missed this?

On my way to the beach this morning I noticed the golf course was scattered with palm fronds and tree parts. That's only a half block from my house. Huh?

Unfortunately about 8 miles south of here there was some damage to homes from a tornado but no one was injured and many people got a firsthand look at quite a spectacular display courtesy of Mother Nature.

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