Anger abated

I try to keep myself on an even keel mainly because getting mad makes me angry. Today I got angry with a bank teller and instead of heading off to finish my errands, my little car headed to the beach seemingly on its own accord. I hadn't planned my walk until after my chores so I was without the correct shoes but took my angry self to the shoreline anyway. Barefooted is best anyway.
The crystal blue skies and gorgeous surf was an instant snit eraser. Then I was treated to three osprey also enjoying the beautiful day. (Only managed to capture two in this shot.)
As my mood lifted I noticed some words written in the sand. It's usually hearts with initials, or "So-and-so loves... whoever." Curious, I looked closer and then laughed aloud. How can you not love this one:  

In a huff? Go to the beach, there will be unexpected delights when you look for them... especially if you love cheese.

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