
The sunrise this morning left me speechless, even more so as it was ever changing during my walk.

I'll just leave you to savor the photos. Wish you could have been with me to delight in this changing vista and experience all the sights and sounds and smells of this perfect day.

Some early-morning sailors enjoyed the sunrise. Wonder if they realized the cloud behind them looked like a shadow puppet?

Hodgepodge of clouds

It was a little cloudy when I left my house but what a surprise when I got to the beach. The skies to the North were a solid wall of dark clouds and right before me there was a patch of rain. The surfer was already wet so I suppose the oncoming rain was no bother to him.

I made a 90ยบ turn to the East and it was a totally different day. Cloudy yes, but you could find blobs of blue and the sun was shining like a beacon. Florida weather... go figure. Keeps you guessing and keeps life interesting.

Dog Days...

Though the dog days of summer aren't here yet, this morning I was enthralled watching one dog's day on the beach. I have always been a cat person, have never owned a dog but over the years have been privileged to know and love many dogs. This pooch was having such fun playing with his human. Chasing a ball, chasing sea gulls (which he will never be able to catch) and romping in the surf, this delightful four-legged ball of energy was having the time of his life. Truly a happy dog and his enthusiasm was contagious.

I stood for several minutes watching and reveling in his exuberance. All of his fun-filled antics added a bonus to the start of a beautiful day... a dog day for sure.

Lavender dawn

The winds from the West made for a calm ocean and the light clouds made the sun cast an almost lavender glow on everything. It was really quite serene and lovely.

As you can see, I was not the only one enjoying the rising sun. This great heron (about 2 feet tall) patiently stood on one foot while I took his photo. The rising sun behind him and his reflection the damp sand made an interesting snapshot of a splendid way to start the day.

Heaven-sent scent

One of the things folks complain about in Florida is that we don't have a real change of seasons. I beg to differ. Our seasons come and go and there is definitely a change, often a subtle distinction but if you are aware it's there. One of the unmistakable changes here in the spring comes first to the nose. Everywhere in the air is the delicious scent of both confederate jasmine and the even headier scent of gardenias. Yum-m-m-m.

I have a small gardenia bush in my yard that is just now beginning to show its buds but a friend of mine has two huge bushes taller than her house, that are literally loaded down with gardenias. Lucky for me she shares the blooms and my house is filled with the heavenly scent of gardenias. I find myself just breathing in the intoxicating fragrance. Um-m-m-m aroma therapy in its purest form plus these appealing white flowers are lovely to look at. Definitely something to add to my grateful list.

The cycle continues..

Turtle season, when the giant sea turtles come ashore to lay their eggs, began the first of May and I've been eagerly looking for evidence of a new nest. Today it happened. In fact I was the first human to come across this first nest of 2010. It wasn't long before some of the regular beach walkers joined me and we were all looking forward to this exciting season where several times a week we will encounter evidence that this ancient pattern of existence continues.

It is still amazing to me that the mother turtle has returned to this particular beach where she herself was hatched and began her life against tremendous odds.

If you have been reading this blog for a while, you will know how thrilled I am whenever I see a turtle nest; even more so if I encounter the turtle itself and seeing the little hatchlings is a feeling just indescribable. Since they nest and hatch in the dark of night, getting a glimpse of a turtle is unusual and truly moving. Check out "My first Baby... Turtle that is" from August, 2009 or "Headed Back to Sea" and "The Hatchlings" from November 2008 for some of my favorite turtle posts. I'm sure there will be more as the season continues in 2010.

Sand forest...

It has been years and years since I have played in the sand but I used to love to make drip castles on the beach. How delightful it was this morning when I came across this wonderful forest of drips that was so reminiscent of a forest of blue spruce trees.

Drip castles, or drip forests as in this case, are not all that easy to make. Your sand has to be just the right consistency and the process of dripping it through your fingers is a meticulous undertaking to say the least. This builder did a wonderful job. With a little imagination I could almost picture these drip trees standing in a forest tall and green and covered with new snow.

Maybe one of these days I'll go to the beach and once again try my hand at dripping sand. If so I'll save my efforts in a photograph and share it with you.


Instead of a pot of gold, the sun on the ocean looked like a pot of silver. It was striking to say the least as it shot through the clouds like a laser beam.

The riches were not just the silver on the ocean though. I saw that the Least Terns had returned with their darling faces and uniquely raucous calls. These little birds are on the endangered list and I'm always thrilled to see them each spring. See "Terns Return" in April 2009 for photos. I also came across two Yellow-Crowned Night Herons absent from the beach since last fall. I wrote about these unique and stealthy birds in the post called "Bird or Cat" back in May 2009.

My beach walk would have been complete with just that but there were also several of the beach regulars I hadn't seen all winter. Strange that we don't know each other by name but always ready with a friendly wave, a smile or cheerful good morning. All this gave me a feeling of connectedness (is that really a word?) with the world around me. When you add in the visit a few days ago from a cousin I hadn't seen or been in contact with for over 50 years and the photos of other long forgotten family members... well, connected is just too mild a word. I felt at home, complete and completely filled up with being an integral part of the universe. What a day!

Shades of blue

It was a strange morning, bluish gray and foggy at ground level with the color of the sea blending with the fog. The clouds at mid-level were dark and heavy with shades of purple, then above it all were dabs of blue... all you had to do is look up to see the promise of a lovely day.

The ocean was peaceful, walkers were few, and even the birds and other wildlife seemed to be sleeping in. All this made me feel very serene — akin to being snuggled up in a soft gray blanket. To say I enjoyed my walk this morning would be an understatement.

Dawn triptych

After seeing a TV ad for a very sleek, very slim little digital camera that takes panorama photos, I was wishing I had one just like it. Since that wasn't the case, I decided to try to make my own panoramic shot.

Standing in one spot I took three separate shots by moving the camera, then came home and joined them with my photo editing software. Pretty amazing results don't you think? So I guess I'll keep my old, fat, inexpensive camera for a while. It has been a workhorse and doesn't seem to mind being dropped in the sand or being exposed to extremes of sun or even rain.

All this reminded me that some of us "old things" are just as good as the fancy new versions. We may not be as sleek and colorful but... (you finish the thought.)