The cycle continues..

Turtle season, when the giant sea turtles come ashore to lay their eggs, began the first of May and I've been eagerly looking for evidence of a new nest. Today it happened. In fact I was the first human to come across this first nest of 2010. It wasn't long before some of the regular beach walkers joined me and we were all looking forward to this exciting season where several times a week we will encounter evidence that this ancient pattern of existence continues.

It is still amazing to me that the mother turtle has returned to this particular beach where she herself was hatched and began her life against tremendous odds.

If you have been reading this blog for a while, you will know how thrilled I am whenever I see a turtle nest; even more so if I encounter the turtle itself and seeing the little hatchlings is a feeling just indescribable. Since they nest and hatch in the dark of night, getting a glimpse of a turtle is unusual and truly moving. Check out "My first Baby... Turtle that is" from August, 2009 or "Headed Back to Sea" and "The Hatchlings" from November 2008 for some of my favorite turtle posts. I'm sure there will be more as the season continues in 2010.

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