Got wet...

Arriving at the beach, my first hope was that the young man who had never seen the ocean got to see it today... just the way I like it, raging and angry. With a couple of tropical storms off shore the surfers have been anticipating a great surf. They were probably hoping for a bit more sun, but the clouds were as spectacular as the surf. It was exhilarating.

The big ol' cloud above was far enough off shore that I wasn't too worried about getting wet, though I did have a little umbrella with me just for insurance.

In Florida you never know about the weather and when I was about 40 minutes from my starting point, I was really glad I had that umbrella. Did I get wet? You betcha! The wind's shifting direction kept turning the umbrella inside out — besides it was just a little thing and I was wishing I had my big golf umbrella instead. Never a dull moment. What fun!

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