Go that-a-way

Sometimes my toughest decision of the day is whether to head north or south on my beach walks. Usually the direction of the wind dictates my heading, today with the wind from the west it was a toss up... until I saw this cloud pointing the way. Decision made, and what a fortunate one it turned out to be.

If I'd gone in the other direction I would have missed the turtle patrol cleaning out a nest that had hatched three day previous. Near the bottom of the nest, covered in the hatched shells of its brothers and sisters was one little straggler about to give up on his struggle to reach the top. Rescued!
The little guy got a second wind when placed on the open sand and headed off to the sea. Such a tiny tiny little thing (maybe 2 inches nose to tail) heading to that big ol' ocean. It was about mid tide so he had a long way to go and beach goers gathered around to watch his progress. I hate to admit what a softie I am, but it brought a lump to my throat when he made it to the water and kept right on going. I sure do hope he makes it.
I'm grateful for all the direction signs in my life. Perhaps I should be a little more open minded when I look for them.

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