Irene screamers

Imagine you lived in the 12th century without the technology and the loud whining voices of meteorologists that we have today. If you were on the beach you'd know that something big was afoot. Yesterday the air was charged with a rare and unusual power. Surf was up, the wind was up a bit and birds were flying with what I'd call purpose. A large osprey was fishing with her three young in the churning surf. Pelicans and sea gulls were flying in haphazard array. It was exhilarating.
Later in the day the sky turned a pinkish yellow.

We got a bit of rain overnight and some light breezes. Then this morning (August 26) a couple more on-and-off showers and some spectacular surf. It started raining again just as I took the picture below so that's all I've got. More later.

So, thanks for the excitement, Irene. And thanks for staying out to sea off Florida. I'm sorry for the rest of the east coast but hope they can enjoy the phenomenon without the fear and worry and too much destruction. (Think 12th century.)

Thanks for the laughs, news people. I loved the guy standing at the edge of the surf as high tide approached. He seemed amazed that the water was getting higher on the beach. Well, THAT'S what high tide means. His feet got wet as the 6 a.m. high tide hit its mark. Made MY day.

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