
It was a strange day, hard to explain but there was very little color, everything seemed to be in shades of gray. It felt as if there was no air to breathe and it was like walking in a bubble protected from the world. Even the sun was without color... very strange indeed.

Thinking I was alone in my thoughts about being encased in gray bubble, I was glad one of my beach buddies stopped and commented on the strange atmosphere. Almost like we were trapped in some bizarre atmospheric inversion. The photo above shows the monochrome tones of the day and the colorless sun.

As is my wont, I started humming an appropriate song, this one by Paul Simon... can you guess? Yep... Kodachrome. Uplifting and a quick and easy way to dispel the monochromic skies.

If you are so inclined, here is a YouTube video that someone put together of the song that I find particularly appealing. Check it out, maybe you'll get this tune running through your brain just like it is running through mine. Good thing it is a happy song.

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