Snow... Florida style

Considering the balmy December weather — I've been in shorts and short sleeves the past couple of days — it was a delight this morning to see Florida's version of SNOW on the beach... Sea foam. 
Mounds and mounds of "snow" all along the beach as far as the eye can see.
Many of us former northerners have commented that this is as close to snow as we care to get nowadays. You don't have to shovel this stuff and it isn't cold.

According to Wikipedia: Sea foamocean foambeach foam, or spume is a type of foam created by the agitation of seawater, particularly when it contains higher concentrations of dissolved organic matter (including proteinslignins, and lipids)[1] derived from sources such as the offshore breakdown of algal blooms. These compounds can act as surfactants or foaming agents. As the seawater is churned by breaking waves in the surf zone adjacent to the shore, the presence of these surfactants under these turbulent conditions traps air, forming persistent bubbles that stick to each other through surface tension. Due to its low density and persistence, foam can be blown by strong on-shore winds from the beachface inland.

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