My first time...

First time? No, it's not what you think. Today was the first time I've seen a right whale in person! 
Just off our coast a right whale and her calf were meandering south. A friend works with the local whale watch project and knowing this whale and calf were very close to where I live, called me. I got there as fast as I could and was so thrilled. 
They were pretty far off shore and barely visible without binoculars. 
I snapped many, many pictures but the one above is the only one that gives any indication that they weren't a figment of my imagination. Just right of center, up near the horizon you can see a little bit of a plume of her "blow" arcing above the surface. 
I spent a glorious 30 or 40 minutes captivated by this amazing sight. The first time is always the best.

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