Breakfast treat, interrupted

I almost didn't go for my daily walk on the beach this morning because it was windy, overcast and chilly. But I went and once again I was reminded that when you do something you don't want to do often the unexpected and spectacular occurs.
Approaching the beach walkway I heard an osprey's call, very close. I looked up and sitting atop the light post not 6 feet away was on osprey. Not just an osprey but an osprey eating her breakfast.
Fortunately for me, camera was at hand.
My excitement notwithstanding, the osprey wanted to dine alone without my intrusion and she rightfully scolded me. 
Then took her breakfast fish and left the alfresco dining experience in a huff with a string of cross words. But that's okay... she got takeout and I got a rare thrill.
(Remember, closeups are there for you with the click of the mouse.)

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