Roxy, Boxy and Garden

Things have been so normal that I could find nothing different, unusual or exciting to add to this blog. I feel I bore you enough with beach, clouds, birds and all there has been lately is more beach, clouds and birds. 
However, part of my life is feeding my neighborhood kitties and occasionally other wildlife. This morning my pal Roxy the kitty was joined for breakfast by Boxy the turtle. He was eating her cat food and drinking her water. 
Another exciting part of my life that doesn't involve beach, clouds etc. is my garden. This is my first venture into growing my own food beside the occasional tomato plant, that is.
Here it is the day I started it — the first of November. 
A month later...
And just last week after replanting the romaine which had grown up to my chin!
Even more amazing is that I've been eating out of it every day, often two or three times a day. Even sharing it with neighbors can barely keep up with the growing greenery. Who knew I had a hidden green thumb? Yum!

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