Sensational Shuttle

One of the advantages of living on the East coast of FLorida is being able to view our shuttle launches either from the beach or even from our own backyards. I still get goose bumps whenever I see one lift off. Unfortunately I have yet to get a good shot of a nighttime launch with my own camera, so I borrowed this one from NASA's website. What was amazing was a simultaneous (almost) full moon. It was quite a sight on November 15, 2008 at 7:55 p.m. EST. The fire in the sky, the amazing rolling thunder-like sound, and the faint tremor of the earth is truly stimulating both mentally and physically. WOW!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool pic! I still remember watching a night launch while visiting you in November 2000, I believe it was. It was an adventure that a lot of people never get to experience. What a rush!!