Happy Independence Day

Independence, freedom, liberty... all a part of this great nation. I'm so thankful that I have the independence, freedom and liberty to enjoy it. Part of my world is the beach, as you know, and here are a couple of July 4th beach treasures.

"Here's looking at you." Jellyfish are everywhere. Like stepping on a banana peel and if you aren't careful, you'll end up with your feel out from under you. Most are clear, this one reminded me of a giant eye. About the size of a baking potato.
Here, another turtle's nest... 253 so far this year! Hurrah. This zigzagging pattern back to sea looks like it had a little too much to drink, but we know she spent a long time laying eggs so a stagger back to sea is okay by me.
Happy Independence Day! Happy freedom and liberty. I wish everyone realized just how lucky we are to live in such a great country, warts and all it's better than anywhere else on earth.

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