Leftovers... yum!

What a surprise I got when looking out my back window this afternoon. There was a box turtle eating cat food out of the bowl. He was up of his back legs, front legs on the edge of the bowl and he was eating leftover cat food!

I grabbed my camera and ran out the back door to share the event with you. By the time I got there the turtle was munching away right beside the cat food bowl. His mouth looks funny in the picture because he was chewing a bit of kitty kibble. That was about the cutest thing I've seen in a long time.

It's lucky that today I over fed the neighborhood stray kitty who comes to my back door every morning, lucky there were enough leftovers for a cute little box turtle to enjoy. I usually put out fresh greens for the turtle, who seems to like mustard greens better than spinach, but I never knew he liked cat food.

Guess you can learn something new every day if you just pay attention.

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