
What a confused mixture it was this morning at the beach. A pleasant breeze and heavy clouds as I left the house made me wonder what I'd encounter on the strand. The clouds were leaden, low and roiling. There were flocks of pelicans streaming north and the sun was trying to burst through the darkness. Then I saw the rain... heavy streaks of rain far off shore. I was making wagers with myself on whether I'd get wet.

The above picture shows it all, the sun, the rain and the pelicans skimming along at the crest of the waves. It also gives you a hint of the wet feet I got standing a little too close to the incoming tide line. Oops.

With the rain and the sun in such close proximity I was hoping for a rainbow but was not fortunate enough to see one or find the pot of gold.

Oh yes, this rain shower took a while to come ashore but it eventually did just that and though it looked menacing it turned out to be just a gentle shower and actually felt really refreshing. Sensory overload today and never a dull moment.

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