Osprey onlooker

Every morning as I walk the beach I see what I have come to call my osprey. I saw her alone for many months, then she appeared with her brood of 3 young... I'm guessing this only because they were smaller and seemed to watch everything she did. It is fascinating watching them scan the sea for food (they only eat fresh-caught fish.) One twitch of a tail feather or a gentle lift of a wing tip and they soar off in another direction, head always scanning right and left. Then a swift dive towards the water usually to come away with a fish firmly in their talons. I was left to wonder where they flew to with their catch. 

It is very difficult capturing them with my camera they fly so high and so swiftly. I did catch a photo of one far overhead but was thrilled today when my friend Ed sent me the photo of the osprey who had perched in his pine tree for several hours to eat its fish. As the osprey flies, that pine tree is very close to the area of the beach where I always see my osprey pals. Um-m-m wonder if it is in fact my osprey? 

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