What a way to start a Monday

This morning's sunrise took my breath away. Best I can do is just share it with you.


Today's dawn was monochromatic with nothing but shades of gray. So I decided to do a brief rewind and share the colors of yesterday. Hallelujah.

Clouds, clouds, clouds

The atmosphere at the beach was heavy with clouds this morning and yet the air was wildly exhilarating enhanced by offshore rain showers and stimulating winds. There was a different view in every direction and the only way I can share it with you is through photos. 
I do wish you had been there to share it with me. To hear the ocean, to smell the salt air, and to feel the wind blowing in your hair and across your skin. I treasure every second of the experience and feel so fortunate to be able to relish every moment of it.

New sight at a new site

Rarely do I get to spend time on the beach 6 miles south of my normal stomping ground but on this particular morning I was near the Main Street Pier as dawn was breaking, and what a lovely dawning it was. New sight at an new site.